Location: salem, Massachusetts, United States

Saturday, January 10, 2009


We've been visited several times by the landlord's architect. Doug has designed a handicap-accessible entry in the back of the store, that we suspect will become the MAIN entrance, once people get used to it. Pull in the rear parking lot; enter the store through the rear door. Easy as pie!

Other changes to the structure may or may not happen, depending on the price tag. WE will pay for what WE want in the new space, and "make do" if the landlord can't afford to pay for what he finds "unnecessary." And I don't blame him. Many of the suggestions are "cosmetic." They'll make the store more visible, but who will that really benefit? US, mainly! Unless it gets so bad out there, that those few investments MAKE or BREAK the business, and then the landlord WON'T HAVE A TENANT!


The Art Corner
231 Washington Street
Salem, MA 01970
Store hours: Monday through Saturday, 9-5.